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Photo of Raku Wall Plaque titled 'The Odd Ball'

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15 3/4" high by 17 1/4" wide, this slab built wall sculpture was brushed with a clear glaze in sections, the rest left unglazed with the exception of the one 'odd ball' inside the grid which was glazed with a green lead glaze. Fired in a raku kiln, it was removed into a sawdust filled trash can, tightly covered to let the carbon rich reduction atmosphere penetrate and blacken the unglazed portion, then plunged into cold water to capture the moment.

My great friend and fellow potter, Neal Armstrong, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Arizona, sees Einstein's concept of gravity here, as I do. I also see, however, the Weber barbeque grill which I used to make the circular grid impression.

Status: still in the potter's personal collection.

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